Magnetic is a creative agency that helps you authentically connect with your audience.
Through the powerful combination of insightful strategy, outstanding creative and genuine emotion our work moves hearts, sparks imaginations and – most importantly – compels people to action.
FIA Awards
Winner ‘Supplier Team of the Year 2024’
Finalist ‘Fundraising Consultant of the Year 2025’
Following our exciting win in 2024, Magnetic is thrilled to be a Finalist for the newly renamed ‘Fundraising Consultant of the Year’ award in 2025.
Fundraising Consultant of the Year 2025
Working closely with the team at Sir David Martin Foundation since 2022 has been a true privilege for Magnetic.
Our respectful, trusting collaboration has enabled Magnetic to develop strategically targeted, highly creative work across fundraising appeals, awareness campaigns and a new regular giving product. Breakthrough results have “elevated The Foundation’s fundraising efforts to new heights”, ultimately helping more young people get the support they need to end harmful substance misuse and stay well.
We’re beyond delighted that the Sir David Martin Foundation has nominated us for this award to celebrate our work together.
From the team’s nomination submission:
“From the outset, Magnetic took the time to understand The Foundation’s goals, values, and challenges. Their expertise in developing a comprehensive strategy, aligned with our campaign objectives, has been instrumental in elevating our brand, driving donor engagement and has ultimately resulted in raising more funds for the Foundation.”
Supplier Team of the Year 2024
We’re deeply grateful to the wonderful team at Anglicare Victoria who nominated us.
Since 2021, we’ve developed a powerful, trusting relationship with the Anglicare Victoria team, which continues to grow and flourish.Through fundraising appeals, a broad range of communications and the development of ‘Team Better Tomorrows’ (the new regular giving product) our work together is producing outstanding results and, most importantly, having a tangible, positive impact on the lives of vulnerable Victorians.
From Anglicare Victoria’s nomination submission:
“The impact of Magnetic on fundraising at Anglicare Victoria is unparalleled in the history of the organisation.They have helped to substantially lift the quality of fundraising so it’s reached the level of sophistication required of an organisation that is now one of the largest in Victoria…The percentage growth in revenue from winter appeals after two consecutive years of using Magnetic has been a staggering 109%.”